Kennedy has not wanted to talk about school since it started. She talks about riding the bus alot but if I ask what she did in school she always says "nothing". (she did tell me that Hannah Montana is in her class! There is a Hannah and I tried to tell her that she is not Hannah Montana but she doesn't want to hear it. I wonder who she inherited that 'don't try to tell me otherwise because I know it all' attitude from? Not her mamma).This was our conversation tonight at bath time:
K: Mom there is this boy in my class who follows me around all day.
M: Well, he probably wants to be your friend.
K: Um, no mom. He wants me to be his girlfriend. He tries to hold my hand while we are in line.
M: You can tell him that you would love to be his friends but you aren't allowed to have boyfriends.
K: But all my other friends will laugh at me if I am his friend.
I went on to tell her that it doesn't matter what other people think of it, you have to be nice to everyone, especially the kids that get left out.
I don't know what is more disturbing about that conversation. The fact that they are ONLY 4 and this crap is already starting, the fact that in just a matter of days she is already getting self conscious about what people think of her or the fact that I am freaked out that my four year old is talking about being someones girlfriend. I don't know if I am ready for this growing up stuff.
New Kitchen Perspective
11 years ago
I'm definitely not ready for that. (me talking to stomach, "Please be a boy, please be a boy")
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